With the author’s permission, we are republishing an article originally published in Telegram in 2017.
Let’s say you run a bar and the mafia comes to your door and says that from now on you have to pay them €1,000 every month for the roof, otherwise your bar will be burned down. In that case, are you obligated to pay the roof? Of course not! This is extortion and it is your own choice how you proceed. The same goes for the military. Joining the defense forces is not mandatory. However, a global mafia operates in our territory, which tries to force you into the army with fear, sometimes even the most outrageous measures are used and you are taken by force. But that does not mean that the army is mandatory. It is not mandatory, but it is a game created by the mafia, in which you either take part or not. How can there be anything mandatory in a “republic”? You have a free choice. For example, I did not join the army and I know many who also have not joined and will not.
I was about 10 years old when I realized that wars, armies and soldiers are completely unnecessary things and I remember telling my father that the time will soon come when wars will no longer be fought. I understand that such a statement confuses many and can also irritate. But let’s be honest, war and the army are not humane in any way, so people should not engage in them at all. We know that many young Estonian men who have returned from wars (and even young people who are just doing military service) commit suicide. Many say that we have to protect ourselves from the enemy…
For what enemy? Russia is not an enemy of Estonia and Estonia is not an enemy of Russia. Both countries are home to people who love their families and want them to feel safe. The only question is: how to achieve this? Certainly not by fighting and certainly not with the military.
We have been told since childhood that Russians are bad and that big Russia is coming to attack Estonia. When I look at Russians or communicate with them, I see that they are more or less exactly the same people as Estonians. They have slightly different customs and speak a different language, but in general they are people who love their loved ones exactly the same way Estonians do. Of course, there are also so-called tropes among Russians, but there are plenty of such among Estonians as well, so in conclusion I would say that Estonians and Russians are very similar – they are both people, after all, what is there to be surprised about? I have managed to travel a lot and thanks to that I have been able to communicate with people of many different nationalities: Finns, Swedes, Danes, Dutch, Chinese, Australians, Brazilians, Japanese, Americans, Icelanders, Koreans, Japanese, Nigerians, etc. – these people are all quite similar – they all do their best to cope with their lives and want a sense of security for their families. I understand them because I am also human.
But do you know who else is very similar? Soldiers! I have noticed that regardless of nationality, a soldier is willing to go to war and kill a complete stranger, another soldier, whom he has never seen in his life, spoken to, corresponded with, etc. He knows nothing about this other guy, who is wearing the same clothes and carrying the same gun. And yet he is so similar to this other guy. I have talked to several soldiers and surprisingly they also listen to very similar music, regardless of which country he comes from. Looking at the lifestyle, behavior patterns, clothing, hairstyle preferences and walking style of soldiers fighting each other, I would say that on the surface they should be friends, not enemies. So is a soldier the enemy of another soldier? It turns out that one soldier is the enemy of another soldier when the government tells him so or when they have a different flag emblem on their patched cloth. If this flag color makes you so nervous, maybe it’s time to put those flags down, don’t you think?
Symbols of Freedom That Feel Like Those of Slavery
Many say that the blue, black and white flag on Toompea symbolizes freedom. Let me laugh! I am old enough to remember the time when the red flag flew on Toompea, but people seemed somehow freer then than now. The borders were closed and there was little in the shops, but people had a freer mind. Let me explain. In the 1980s, the Estonian people did not believe the Moscow propaganda that was broadcast to us by the state television or radio news, and newspapers and magazines. But then “freedom” arrived, the borders were opened, the statues of Lenin were removed, and a large number of people joined the Defense Union, the army, etc. Don’t you see the contradiction here? You became “free” but you picked up a gun and started training for war… Wtf? What went wrong here? Ironically, an Estonian TV channel recently even ran a series called “Free Men,” where the main characters were soldiers who were obviously not free. In a society where our streets are adorned with posters of soldiers, advertisements for military schools, and recommendations for a career as a prison warden, it is by no means a free society. Considering all this, I dare say that the “Pillar of Liberty” on Freedom Square is a symbol of slavery. Take a look at this square, it looks disgusting – a genuine Victory Square in a new guise.
And I can’t understand why we have to celebrate freedom with some kind of date and count the years to see how long someone has been free? Every time freedom is celebrated, military equipment is brought out that does not symbolize freedom – do you not sense any error here? Just be free! Throw away that stupid gun, turn off the TV and go out into nature with your family. Breathe consciously in and out and enjoy the moment – that is all you have.
Today, the slogan “Let’s give glory!” is being advertised in the blue, black and white “freedom” colors. So who are you giving glory to? Soldiers who kill other soldiers and possibly civilians – do I understand correctly that glorifying murderers is a hot topic these days? The wisest people know how to say that these soldiers are protecting my freedom from terrorists. Once again, let me laugh.
The biggest terrorist attack in my lifetime is known to be a joint inside job of the US and the global secret government. Many, even in the military, no longer argue that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were an inside job, yet we need soldiers to protect us from future attacks like this. So my question is again, who is the enemy we are protecting ourselves from?
I recently spoke with a soldier about these topics, and here is a summary of our conversation:
Hando: Why are you a soldier?
Soldier: The country must be defended.
Hando: Who is the enemy?
Soldier: Some characters from the Middle East..
Hando: Are you aware that 9/11 is an inside job and that ISIS is funded and equipped by the US itself and that the whole geopolitics is a farce?
Soldier: Of course I’m aware of it, I read your Telegram too.
Hando: If you know all this, why are you in the army?
The soldier, whose face showed that he had experienced many difficult moments in his life, looked deep into my eyes with his sad eyes and said: Because I am a soldier at heart, that’s all I can do, try to understand it!
Hando: Do you understand that those you are going to war against are young men just like you, who also have families and friends and who also want peace and a sense of security for their families? You are basically fighting a guy like yourself, who could easily be your friend.
Soldier (confused): Um, so what should I do?
Hando: Well, if you want to fight, then fight against the group that is organizing these conflicts here and manipulating the people from behind the scenes.
This conversation was too difficult for the soldier at that moment, and he soon left my company. But I understood from him that the reason he was a soldier at all was that he couldn’t do anything else. I wonder how many soldiers feel the same way, that they couldn’t do anything else but be a soldier? What would you do if there were no wars, no army, and no security guards? Is it possible that the soldiers themselves are the reason why there are wars, because if there were no soldiers, who would fight? What is the difference between a robot and a soldier? Both follow orders… Some are such eager followers of orders that they are ready to start marching. If you don’t walk like that in your free time, why do you do it in the army? Is it comfortable for you? Certainly not, the only reason you do it is because you are following someone’s orders. How many of you have ever thought about where these commands come from, who is at the top of the pyramid, who is giving these commands, and why?
If an Intelligent Life Form Wanted Peace, It Wouldn’t Engage in Warfare
As far as I understand, soldiers obviously do not want or are not willing or able to prevent future military conflicts or terrorist attacks, because they never go to the source of the problem. If an intelligent life form wanted peace and harmony, it would not engage in war but in its prevention. If you want to prevent war, let’s go where the problem begins. Who organizes terrorist attacks-internal affairs and who benefits from wars? How many realize the fact that the USA and Russia together are the largest military industrialists in the world and that it is economically essential for both countries to constantly be at war? On the one hand, they produce weapons, but at the same time, the marketing agency of the military industry (mainstream media) is engaged in creating conflicts in the world with political, ethnic and religious intrigues. Creating and maintaining conflicts is an investment in the future.
Since government can only exist when there are problems in society, it is in the government’s interest to keep the wars going. It does not want to solve problems, but to keep the money machine running. That is why we never see President Kersti or other politicians talking about the fact that the official 9/11 theory is flawed, because, simply put, a politician’s salary and monthly mortgage payments depend on how well they can scare the people.
It is very easy to scare people, most of them watch TV for hours, which shows non-stop violence and war news, basically a horror movie is playing on TV, which the vast majority watches voluntarily. Some don’t watch TV, but they listen to the radio, which reminds them every hour that there is danger and war everywhere. The system only has to make a few minutes of action video and a human robot in a radio or TV studio reads out in a dull voice: “33 people died in the terrorist attacks, 330 people were injured, Muslims took responsibility for the terrorist attacks”. And not much more is needed for fear to spread. President Kersti occasionally shows himself in the middle of tanks and drops some scary fragments to the press, and a couple of warplanes have been sent to circle back and forth over the Estonian state. This kind of low-budget theater is enough. There was a movie on TV, President Kersti was next to a tank and there was a plane in the sky – so Russia or ISIS will attack immediately. Logical, right?
Since the Ministry of Defense and co. are obviously not going to speak out on the issue that 9/11 and other terrorist attacks are the internal work of the global secret government itself, I see no reason at all to keep such organizations as the Ministry of Defense, the Defense League, the army, the defense force, the young eagles-daughters, etc., and various forces and alliances by force, because your activities have no purpose. Over the past ten years, you have proven to all of Estonia that you are not interested in ending hostilities or preventing military conflicts, but are only interested in your personal career and some war games in the Estonian forests for entertainment. You are children who never grew up. I do not obey you and I see no reason why anyone should obey you at all, let alone honor you – you are a disgrace to Estonia! Because if you cannot identify the real enemy who is organizing these wars, then we cannot count on your help or protection, even with the best of intentions!
I have several acquaintances who work in the military, and I have understood from them that the vast majority of the characters there are only pursuing a career and are sincerely ignorant of what is happening in the world, the main thing is that the salary is transferred to the account on the right date. I am aware that these organizations are engaged in massive money laundering and nepotism. For example, they regularly conduct public procurements worth millions of euros, which are always won by “their own guys”, and after a few years, the exact same procurement is carried out again. The gadgets purchased from the previous procurement are written off and new ones are put on the counter. This is how taxpayer money is transferred in all state sectors, and this should not come as a surprise to any thinking person.
Let’s say a house is on fire. The firefighters are putting out the fire, but they can’t control it because there’s an arsonist behind the house who keeps adding to the fire. Do you think these firefighters are competent enough to realize that there’s an arsonist behind the house? Of course they are! But aren’t the military and the Department of Defense capable of realizing that this war is a farce? If they don’t deal with the problem, they’re part of the problem. The military is not mandatory. This is organized crime, which few can see through and even fewer dare to speak out about.
Ask yourself why soldiers and people connected to the military don’t speak out on this issue? To my knowledge, only one such person in Estonia has spoken out publicly . One out of tens of thousands, think about it, that’s less than 0.01%. Doesn’t that seem strange to you? Everyone is a tough guy who gives credit, but who would be right to give credit if you don’t even dare to say out loud what even Aunt Maali knows – 9/11 was an inside job! This is nonsense what you’re doing.
Many people ask that if these military organizations are disbanded, how can we protect ourselves from Russia? I would ask in response that if your child is in a fight with another child, would you send them to fight each other to settle the fight? No, it’s pointless! We are an intelligent life form and one of our greatest strengths is the ability to speak. How much has the Estonian government tried to resolve any military conflict through diplomacy? The answer is close to zero! Estonia is in favor of increasing military activity and defense spending, and in general we can read from the government’s behavior that they are not interested in good relations with neighboring countries, because they get their orders from Brussels and the USA. Figuratively speaking, the Estonian government is giving the USA and the EU a blowjob and trying to give the people the impression that this is essential to protect themselves from Russia. What the government is not talking about is that both the USA and Russia are actually one and the same force, controlled from behind the scenes. This is theater. By the way, this is also the reason why Putin doesn’t say that 9/11 was an inside job, because Russia and the USA are both controlled from the same place – from the top of the pyramid.
My question is, why would Russia attack Estonia, what is the motive? Think for a moment, if Estonia were to make a statement that we would renounce all military activity, just like Switzerland does, then what motive could anyone have for attacking us? Is it because we are not willing to go to war and go along with this mess? We all have friends and acquaintances who are calm and do not look for a fight, and therefore they are never in a situation where they should fight. And we all have friends and acquaintances who get into fights again and again. Why is that? Very simple, some are simply looking for a fight. But if Estonia were to make a statement that we are no longer participating in any military conflict or alliance, then this is a prime example that we are not looking for a fight. By the way, Einstein said that you can recognize an idiot by the one who tries to get different results with the same action. So the question is, does the government hope to achieve peace with its military activity? If so, can we say that these are idiots?
What to Do With the Defense Spending Budget and Tens of Thousands of Soldiers?
The possibilities are endless. For example, we could build a metro in Tallinn and take all major roads underground. We will create a harmonious urban environment – we will plant a million trees in cities across Estonia, build 100 parks and create the opportunity for every Estonian to have a personal garden where we can grow our own food. The state should immediately take steps to guarantee all Estonians decent food, clean water, renovated homes and other basic needs. In addition, we have the resources to make all Estonian roads safe, we have the potential to reduce traffic deaths to zero in one year if we wanted to. By the way, how many people are aware of the fact that many times more people die on our roads every year than the honorable “peacekeepers”? Our problems are here in our own country, not in the backyards of strangers.
We have the resources to provide every person with the medical care they want, none of us should have to wait years in a hospital or save money for expensive surgery. We have the potential to establish the most modern organic fruit, vegetable and vegetable farms and why not also hemp farms and be in harmony with nature. But we can now draw a line on this war issue.
The only reason the system needs an army is that if the people understood what game was really being played here, they would literally want to attack the government and the string pullers. For this, the system needs security guards, that’s why they need an army. And as we read above, the soldier said that he couldn’t do anything else but be a soldier. A professional soldier doesn’t care who he’s fighting against, the main thing is to have something to do and to get paid. Similarly, a football player doesn’t care which league he plays in, the main thing is that the contract is good.
School Is a Pre-War Force
We live in a society where parents no longer have time to spend with their children, because everyone is so busy and has such heavy tax obligations that every last moment is spent working. That is why children are put in daycare early, then kindergarten, and then school, where they are shaped into useful slaves to the system, who must obey discipline and, most importantly, not be able to think for themselves. The child is completely destroyed and, in the end, after 12 years of schooling, they have become confused teenagers. Most of them cannot even cook for themselves, cannot communicate, including cannot behave with the opposite sex, because they do not even know themselves.
There Is a Myth That the Military Makes a Man
In fact, the army does not make anyone a man, but they are instilled in them that they are now men. Many young soldiers develop a kind of arrogance that “now I have been in the army”. They have difficulty respecting people who do not need to be honored. We know of cases from Estonia itself where a man went to war, where his roof flew off, came back, got up and started treating his family badly or beating his wife.
The solution is that we should not put our children in kindergartens that are not our community kindergartens. We should not randomly put our children together with strange children who have nothing in common. We should not put our children in schools to study completely random crap with teachers who are completely incompetent leaders, but also sufferers who take their lives on their children. Parents must have the time and opportunity to guide and develop their children themselves, we must work on ourselves. But parents do not work on themselves, because no one has the time.
At some point, the time comes when it is necessary to perform a ceremony for sons to become men – to tell them everything that awaits them, everything very honestly. But today, many do not have such a feeling and a moment that they want to serve goodness. Such a brotherhood cannot arise from a lamp in an army where random people are gathered, but in a community where the elders are on the same spiritual level. There is no respect in the army, but there are orders and you have to serve. When leaving the army, the understanding of respect of many young men has changed. He thinks that those who are inferior to him do not need to be respected. Then he develops a completely different relationship with women, children, etc. The army takes away the natural feeling of respect and love from many people.
Recommendations for Young People Who Are Being Recruited Into the Military
Many young men have written to me over the years and asked what to do to avoid joining the military. I suggest you start a Facebook group or something to see how many of you there are, you should come together and stand up for your basic human rights. If you don’t want to be brainwashed by the mafia system, you have to find a way out of it. You can forge some kind of certificate or go traveling or something like that, we all have different opportunities and different talents. If you are at a point in your life where you can’t possibly escape the military, then it’s probably necessary for you for some reason. Even if you know it’s pointless nonsense. Maybe you’ll find your soulmate in the military or discover a gold bar crawling in the forest – you never know . I can only encourage you to turn your back on this nonsense. There are thousands if not tens of thousands of you, it shouldn’t be very difficult for you to gather your strength and make a difference. In addition to a joint Facebook group, you need a competent and representative spokesperson who can communicate with the media. This person could very well be a woman and she doesn’t necessarily have to be young. I hope you find my thoughts and suggestions useful. For my part, I can always offer you a platform to speak on Telegram. Good luck and see you on the dance floor 😉
Hando Tõnumaa
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